
Knitfab is an automated data “lineage" management software for machine learning and data science.

Try Knitfab Now

Do you have problems managing your data and model history?

The historical recording and consistent management of changes in data and models involved in machine learning and data analysis is a complex and vexing problem for professionals.

Knitfab is an MLOps infrastructure software that solves these problems.

Fig. 1  An example of the 'lineage'  of a ML workflow on Knitfab

Main Features

Automatically saves everything

When you perform machine learning tasks on Knitfab, modifications to datasets and model code are automatically saved and recorded as history(='lineage').

Any language, any framework, any library is OK

Workloads on Knitfab can use any language or framework as long as they are executable in a Dockerized environment. You can use all your preferred technologies for machine learning programs and data analysis software.

No special code modifications required

Adopting Knitfab does not require your machine learning scripts or data processing programs to adhere to a specific framework. Knitfab automatically monitors all registered data processing and records the history automatically.

Automated task executionWorkflow feature

For example, Knitfab understands the dependencies between tasks, such as a model's training program, the training data that serves as its input, and the trained model output, as a graph structure(Fig.1). When data or models are updated, Knitfab automatically executes the necessary related tasks to resolve dependencies.

Equivalently, whether on-premises or in the cloud

Knitfab is a product that utilizes industry-standard container technology, allowing you to manage data in the same manner whether in an on-premises environment or in the cloud.

Open source-style licence (BSL1.1)

Knitfab is licensed under the BSL license, providing a wide range of users with peace of mind. The source code is made available on GitHub. For non-production use, you can modify and add features just like open-source software, and you can also make those changes public. Each version will be relicensed to GPLv2 after a certain period following its release.

Contact Us

For inquiries about Knitfab, please contact our service and solutions inquiry desk(in Japanese).

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